Health + Justice
Item set
solidarity demonstration at 2004 Dow shareholder meeting
Lindane Suit Clarified Documents
Lindane Court Summons
Battle against Lindane JPEG
Lindane Flier
Lindane JPEG
2001 Dow shareholder meeting protest
Contamination Advisory Signpost
Jim Sygo and Keith Harrison
Dow Shalt Not Blight the Earth
Tracey Easthope at DEQ Hearing
Special EPA Envoy Meets with Dioxin Activists
EDS Well Halted for Now jpg article
EDS Awaits Final Operating License pdf
The (Toxic) Well from Hell pdf
Unsafe at any Depth Article (pdf)
Romulus' Toxic Stat Sheet
Phyllis Glazer in November 1999
RECAP Spokesperson, Debbie Romak
FTGU 2005 Article on Pall Gelman Cleanup Proposal
Ecology Center's newsletter article announcing Judge Shelton's decision, 2005 -
2004 FTGU Article - Judge's Decision Due Soon on Massive Groundwater Cleanup
Dioxane By the Numbers
What is 1,4 Dioxane?