Energy + Climate
Item set
UAW Correspondence Auto Project
Auto Project Correspondence
YP3 Brochure
Stopping Pollution Classroom Schedule
Pollution Prevention Form
Neighborhood Flyers
NAACP Flyers
NAACP Fact Sheet
Home Energy Works Recipient List Sample
Home Energy Flyer, 1990s
flyer from the 90s for Home Energy Works -
End of Energy Works Program
final letter from Mike Garfield signifying the end of the Energy Works program -
city refusal to fund
final letter from the city ending the energy works program -
TRI sites in Washtenaw County
Right-to-Act task force recruitment
Right-to-Act legislation overview
Right-to-Act plan of action
Map of Ypsi Toxic Tour
YP3 pamphlet
Right to Act workshop 1993
Prop A Weatherization 1983
State activists map 1991
Right to Act article 1990.
Volunteers at UAW meeting
UAW speech
UAW speech 2