Energy + Climate
Item set
UAW panoramic.
UAW meeting
UAW banner
Nonprofit Energy News, Vol. 1, No. 1
Nonprofit Energy brochure
Right to Act Principles
Right to Act Plan of Action
Right to Act Legislation
Labor and Environmental Coalitions
Jim Frey on how the EC found participants for the home visits
Jim Frey on creative grant use for the Home Energy Works program.
Aileen on the legacy of the Nonprofit Energy Works program
James Reed and Hildie Lipson weatherize home, ca. 1980s
Thermogram Map 1985
Neighborhood Energy Fairs brochure 1985
Solar Energy Workshop Final Report
Solar Energy Workshop 1980
Save Money on Utilities Bills
Dear Householder letter to get Home Energy Works home participants, 1980s
When save...
Three Areas of Heat Loss in Home
The Hot Water Story
Saving Money in the Kitchen!
Places to Caulk and Weatherstrip
How to 'Light Up Your Life'